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Books Through Bars:
Creativity in Confinement

Quotes from Artist/Prisoners

Scott Servis
Prison has taken from me as well as given to me, but it seems that over the years prison has gone from a punishment to a political, medial and monetary scare tactic to control the taxpayers, and from a rehabilitative tool to a dumping ground for society to hide all their "undesirables" that they either will not, or don't know how to, deal with.
(from letter)
They've got a school library in general population, I'm in administrative segregation (also called security detention) and am not eligible to participate in general population programs. I'm confined to this cell (5' x 9 ½') for 23 hours a day, with 1 hour in an enclosed (15' x 15') recreation (HA!) yard. That's one of the reasons I look forward to getting reading (and other) materials from Books Through Bars.

Emperor Nightmare aka D.J. Still
The two envelopes that are before you were done by the Mr. Nightmare to show the dark side of Texas prisons. The things people don't see. Back in 1996, two of Mr. Nightmare's friends were killed by the TDCJ guards. And was covered up by the unit officials. Due to their not wanting anyone to know about what really took place. The drawing of the lady of ""Sweet Dreams" was a loved one of Mr. Nightmare's. She was a lawyer who killed her lover behind another woman. She was to be released in 1998. But due to her lawsuits against State officials she died at the hands of TDCJ guards in retaliation for her litigation. The second drawing of Bullethead was done by Mr. Nightmare for his friend who also died by the hands of guards due to his litigation skills and complaints filed against this evil system that we live in. We all have no friends, family nor anyone to guide us, love us, nor care for us in this place. Most people won't even write us. And this place is a dead end hole for the one's who were once on top of the world. But fell to the hell of prison

Wayne Edward Cole
Being incarcerated over sixteen (16) years for a non-violent offense proves prisons are for ostracizing the poor.

Candy Anderson aka Diamond Childe
Barbed wire may keep one's body confined, but never the spirit. It's easy to lose the positive parts of one's self in here. It's up to each individual to cling to these parts and not give up the dream.
Rehabilitation only comes from inside. The "justice system" only promotes the concept of rehabilitation to tickle the public ear. The reality is, that the system is geared toward punishment, by means of deprivation, humiliation and cruelty. Everyday we struggle not to become embittered. Most lose the struggle. Only the strong survive, by keeping their dreams alive and not forgetting who they are deep inside, rather than accepting negative labels based on past mistakes or failures. The "crime" is not the person!

Martin "Doc" Robertson
Robert Crumb and Franzetta, but also many others. I have been drawing comics for about five years and I was fine tuned by Leonard Rifas. He is a comic writer of Educomics in Seattle, Washington.

About this piece
The comic originated by an assignment that Leonard Rifas gave me. He was helping me perfect my comic style and the assignment was to draw how I felt at that moment.

About the prison system
Punishment is a necessary thing, but so is learning from our mistakes. Texas provides nothing for us to learn a new way. We are new jobs for Texas and correcting us is not what they want. They need us to continue to break the law so there will always be a job for them.

Sundiata Acoli
Political prisoner of war, imprisoned for the last 27 years.

About the prison system
The prison system is racist, it's used to control people of color and the poor and the present prison expansion binge combined with private corporations venture into the prison business (called the Prison Industrial Complex, PIC) is the second coming of slavery for people of color.

Steven Ray Lampley
I do hope y'all like this envelope. To me it represents all the different feelings one feels when locked up. Prison can be and is a place charged up with bad feelings, but it also is a place of great loneliness. You can be around a thousand people and still feel alone.
There are a lot of people here in the Texas prison system that have a lot of redeeming qualities, a whole lot of artistic talent. Y'all keep up the good work. We need you.

Flores aka Ren Osirpa
About the art
This style was inspired by fond memories (visions) during my LSD days-but at that time I knew not of what these squiggly lines rioted free. And finally, a few months back I meditated in old memories and realized what, maybe, these lines stood for: chaos is the nature of the world. It happens when it's not even happening… And so I "accidentally" came upon these squiggles once more in a piece of paper-and decided to put them to some use.

About the prison system
Since I've been locked up these past few years, I've realized this prison system is the most pathetic. Pathetic in the sense that I can't see how these men all around me fall victim to it. "Institutionalized" is what they call it. The only thing that makes this place somewhat "difficult" is the laziness of the people who run it. "Prison Land" is very degrading to the human spirit and soul.

Anna Lucia Gelabert
Because of my political views and pro prison rights activities (extensive litigation), in 16 years the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) has given me over 300 disciplinary violations, easily an all time record in TDCJ women's units, although I am not at all a disruptive prisoner, all the opposite. As result, I have (0) days of "good time" at all after 16 years!!

David Martinez
Yes, here in prison, prison officials unfortunately applaud the sufferings of human kind and there are no emergency dental visits, and as I made this piece I'd be suffering a tooth ache since the 12th of March. The ear aching sore throat can't sleep at night type tooth ache. However, the good news is that when I received my notice on March 15th to start my art piece from Books Through Bars my tooth ache went away. As I am making this art piece took my mind off the toothache.

He requests that we put the following with his work: "If you happen to have any ideas you'd like to share with me feel free to contact me at this address: CDC #E 38193 D8225L, PO Box 3030 400, Standish, CA 96130. All letters will be answered!.

Ed Chaparro
I tune my mind's eye to freeze on images of incredible wonder, images that get their origin from living life as it filters through my central nervous system, and then stare at that image with a trained, sensitive and suffering eye, to bring that image, kicking and screaming, into our socially agreed upon reality.
Prisons are full of people who have received long prison sentences but the crime rate has continued to be out of control. Prisons are ineffective as a deterrent to crime and the punishment that society screams for has only succeeded in manufacturing human monsters.

Steven King Ainsworth
Everything is up in the air around here. They suspended our contact visits and we may never get them back and I'm not sure this is the end of their actions against us… Umph!
I seriously doubt if I will be around at the end of 2002 so I'm going to donate the five pieces of art to the "collector" and hope they are always put to good use.

Lou Urbino
Music is an art and goes hand in hand with drawing, which is why I chose to learn to draw when I came to prison. I was deprived of my art and talent, however, I express my culture and messages thru drawings since I cannot do so thru music.
The penal system is a profitable monetary modern day slave plantation designed to oppress and suppress the prisoner. Prison is a concentration trains camp designed to build up hatred, anger, rebellion. It does not rehabilitate a criminal or better a criminal. It constantly abuses, degrades, and humiliates all prisoners verbally, spiritually and physically. Therefore, when a prisoner is released to society from the "belly of the beast," the prisoner has so much hatred and bitterness in his heart towards authority, that when he's in society all that's in his heart is vengeance and a heated vendetta towards authority.

Jose Machado
Prison is not doing any good long wise. They lock people up for many years and when their time is up they kick em out to the street with little money or nothing at all and expect em to survive. You get (no longer) the education (like college) in prisons anymore.
There's people who do need to be in prison cause of the things they do in society. But the war on drugs is a hoax, locking people up for long periods of time for smoking pot. Prison ain't for creating a better society, it's all about money. The more prison the more money they can get.
Life in prison is hard. You don't get paid for the labor you do yet prisons sell all the products you (convicts) make for a profit. So someone is pocketing the money cause conditions in prison are bad and they only get worse.

Kevin Marinelli
I used to draw when I was young, but after a piece of my art was rejected in a contest in the 7th grade I stopped drawing 'til I came to prison. Drawing is my "escape" from prison life. Main influence were two prison artists Mike Ramer and Tom Bunch.
The piece is meant to convey that many prisoners turn apathetic when they come to jail. My heart was barred, even though it was a good heart; we all have good hearts, just haven't broken the bars that imprison it. I have the courage, through the teaching of Jesus, to unbar my heart.
I once felt negatively toward people just because they were different than myself. Through much reading I've removed the veil of ignorance that causes prejudice. I would beg all to educate themselves on different races, religions, cultures and customs. Through understanding harmony will ensue.
All people make mistakes, some bigger ones than others. Nobody should be judged enmass for his mistakes, for each situation is unique in its own tragic way. The Department of Corrections throws away its broken toys instead of fixing them, and its irony is that the judicial system made those same broken toys through failed laws and government programs. Give those toys an overhaul, as well as a second chance. Mercy and compassion is the mother of all humanity!

Melvin Vogt
I do not know about other prisons but Texas is not very much different than a concentration camp really. 90% of the TDCJ-ID employees (both men and women) are sadistic bullys. The Texas prison system creates so much hostility in its inmates that by the time a man/woman leave the prison system they are walking human time-bombs just ticking away in society waiting for something or someone to set them off. If an inmate is not violent when he come in, 8 out of 10 times he is violent by the time he leaves the Texas prison system.



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