How To Stay Motivated In Your Creative Career

When working on certain tasks, it can be hard to stay focused and motivated. It’s not human nature to remain engaged and concentrated in certain activities for long periods of time - we end up getting bored, frustrated or somehow distracted out of it. An obvious example is when doing creative work - it’s easy to start writing a novel or drawing a character, but it’s hard to carry on until you finish.

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Maintaining Your Creative Pace

1) In order to be able to finish your work, it’s a good idea to concentrate on your motivations and think about the reasons why you do it. Some do it for the feeling of accomplishment they get, some do it for status, money, or perhaps getting close to a bigger goal. If you keep your objective in mind, you’re more likely to work hard to accomplish it.

2) It’s also very important that you have fun suggest - ask yourself what can you do to make your work more enjoyable, and start working on that. Soon you’ll find that your work will become a much more pleasurable activity.

3) Try approaching each of your tasks from a different angle. If you can, watch other people in your area work and try to do things their way. Not only you might figure out a method that’s more effective than your own, but this will help break the routine and might give you new insights and inspiration.

4) Break up your large tasks into smaller goals, instead of getting overwhelmed by it. For instance, instead of worrying about the fact you have to write an entire album, focus on each song and celebrate as you finish each of them.

5) Take some time to reward yourself when you reach an important goal. Perhaps take a break to do something pleasurable, or get yourself a treat, just to make sure you recognize your progress.

These are five simple ways to stay motivated. Which one resonates with you the most? How are you planning to use them? Do you have other motivational ideas? Tell us in the comments below!